
Thank you!

Thank you everyone who has already given feedback!

...and if you haven't yet, there is still time! It is important for me to get feedback from everyone who somehow participated in the game (incl. just following along). I appreciate if you take the time to fill out this form: Stop Toilworn Diamond feedback (Edit: The feedback form has been closed.)

If you have any questions, feel free to email me or post them to the blog comments. I have also answered some questions at the Unfiction forum, so you might want to check them out.

Best Regards,
Lasse Hakulinen (lasse.hakulinen@aalto.fi)
(a.k.a Beth Swillower, Richard Exaltego, Buck Plentier, Pasi Liisola and Hubert Acker)


Behind the scenes & please give feedback!

The "Stop Toilworn Diamond" alternate reality game has ended and the world has been saved from the horrible LOLCat Apocalypse. Thank you for being part of it!

Who organized this game & why?

I'm a PhD student from Aalto University (Finland) and responsible for the game. This is part of my doctoral research in which I am studying the use of games in education. The game was held in order to study the potential of using alternate reality games in computer science education.

What do you want from me?

It is important for me to get feedback from everyone who somehow participated in the game. Therefore, whether you were active or just followed occasionally, please help us to make better games in the future and give feedback here: Stop Toilworn Diamond feedback.

Now what?

In case you want to see the solutions to the puzzles, check this: Stop Toilworn Diamond Puzzle Solutions

How can I contact you?

Email: lasse.hakulinen@aalto.fi

How can I stalk you?

Start from here: http://www.cs.hut.fi/u/lhakulin/
...or here: https://twitter.com/lhakulin

Puzzle Solutions

Here is a list of puzzles in the "Stop Toilworn Diamond" alternate reality game and short descriptions of the solutions. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive explanation of the solutions, but rather a short hint what you should be looking for. Some of the solutions are explained in more detail in the comments of the blog post, or in this thread at the Unfiction forum: [Trailhead] Rewriting The Future.

If you have any questions, or want more detailed explanation to some of the puzzles, you can comment this blog post or send email to: lasse.hakulinen@aalto.fi


Puzzle 2.1 (Binary puzzle)
Each character of the message is represented as a binary number based on the ASCII value of the character. Leading zeros are removed from the binary representation.

Puzzle 2.2 (RGB image)
Numbers on the webpage are RGB values of an image that reveals an url. 

Puzzle 2.3 (Mona Lisa)
The pixels of the image must be sorted based on the red component of the RGB value. There are multiple pixels with the same value of red. Therefore, only stable sorting algorithm produces the correct answer, meaning that the initial order of pixels with the same value should be preserved.

Puzzle 2.4 (Reversed)
The message can be read from back to front.

Puzzle 3.1 
Vowels and consonants of the text are separated. The numbers have the information how the original message can be retrieved. Each number tells how many adjacent characters of that type are taken before changing to the other group (vowels vs. consonants)

Puzzle 4.1 
The original image should be formatted by putting the pieces in right places. Each piece has a little color code on each side to be used when finding matching pieces. The image can be constructed by matching the pieces.
Puzzle 4.2
Same as 4.1 but with a bigger image.

Puzzle 5.1
The message is encrypted with ROT13. Each letter is replaced with a letter that is 13 steps ahead of them in the alphabet.
Puzzle 5.2
Each letter is replaced with a letter that is N steps ahead of them in the alphabet, where N is the position of the letter in the text.

Puzzle 6.1 
Remove the additional spaces (every other column) to get a valid QR code
Puzzle 6.2
Modify the rows of the picture. There is a N pixel offset in each row, where N is the number of the row (starting from 0).
Puzzle 6.3
One QR code is encoded into the two pictures. "thisispic1.png" is created by merging two adjacent pixels that are in the same row in the original picture. If both of the pixels are white -> the produced pixel is white. If both of the pixels are black -> the produced pixel is black. If one is black and one is white -> the produced pixel is gray. "thisispic2.png" is generated respectively, except taking each pair of pixels from a column, not a row.

The color of a pixel in the resulting QR code can be determined by reading 1 pixel from both images. In case of gray pixels, the color of the original pixel can not be determined. However, by trying different variations will give the correct message in reasonable time, because of the QR code error correction.

Puzzle 6.4
View the QR code in full size. The message can be seen by scanning the code.

Message #7 (Ciphers and Image processing)
Resize the image to make it wider and read the text from the "teeth" of the key (key1): THEFASTFLYINGBANANASAREFAST
Pigpen cipher with slight modifications (higher symbols mean upper case). The short url reveals a text that can be used with a keyword cipher using key1 and key2 as the keyword. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyword_cipher)
However, the keyword cipher is breakable using frequency analysis and as it turned out, the message was revealed without using the keys.
The following text is written by using a slightly different color in the body of the key: (key2) ANDNOBODYCANCATCHTHEM

Puzzle 8.1
Count the number (N) of vowels in each word (including y). The message can be seen by taking the Nth letter from each word. 
Puzzle 8.2
Same with much bigger input. The same message is copied 10 times and therefore it is not necessary to solve all the text. However, not recommended to be done manually.

Puzzle 9.1
There is a QR code hidden in the image. The values of the blue channel of RGB  are either 0 or 1, where 0 means black pixel in the QR code and 1 means white.
Puzzle 9.2
There is also a QR code hidden in the image. One of the RGB channels has a value of 0 or 1 and others have a value greater than 1. The black/white pixel of the QR code is decided similarly as in 9.1

Puzzle 10.1
Same as the puzzle 2.3, but sort based on the blue channel.

Puzzle 10.2
Same as the puzzle 2.4.

Puzzle 11.1
The table is a truth table where the faces represent 1 and 0 (darker is 1) and the cats represent logical operators. Complete the table and read the message from the emphasized cells using a lookup table (http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/golactic/). The logical operators are:
D = OR (logical disjunction)
E = AND (logical conjunction)
F = XOR (exclusive disjunction)

Puzzle 11.2
Same idea as in 11.1, but with more operators. The new operators are:
F = logical implication
H = XNOR (logical equality)
I = NOT (logical negation)

Puzzle 12.1
Take the first letter of each word and add http://goo.gl/ to the beginning.

Puzzle 12.2
The picture on the page is just a red herring. The message can be found commented in the page source.

Puzzle 13.1
The picture has a text http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/thighsprang/A...X.html hidden with a light gray. Find the shortest path from A to X to get the correct url. The shortest path can be found using Dijkstra's algorithm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm)

Puzzle 13.2
The page has a graph represented as a connectivity matrix. Draw the graph and find all the cut vertices (the title of the page is "curve text" which is an anagram from "cut vertex"). 

Puzzle 13.3
The page has a graph represented as adjacency list. Find the shortest route that starts and ends in A and visits all the nodes (Traveling salesman problem). It is also possible to solve with a brute force solution by testing all permutations and calculating the length of each possible route.

Puzzle 13.4
The binary string is a Huffman coded message. Use the Huffman tree in http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/thighsprang/ to solve the coding. (the one empty leaf is the letter ' ').

Puzzle 14.1
The image riddle means "dews is row". There is http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/w???w????.html written in the image with light gray. "dewsisrow" is an anagram from "wisewords" so the correct url is: http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/wisewords.html

Puzzle 14.2.
The quotes (or wise words) on the page talk about style. The actual message can be seen by modifying the css styles of the page and revealing the text coded with classes "par1", "par2" and "par3".

Puzzle 15.1
The message is hidden in the ASCII picture of Richard's face. The positions of the letters that belong to the message can be get from the decimals of pi. The number of non-message characters is the next digit of pi.

Puzzle 15.2
The picture is a stereogram. By focusing behind the picture, you can see the text "topsecret". Avecira's emergency self destruct system can be found in the url http://www.avecirasolutions.com/topsecret/

Activation keys to Toilworn Diamond Emergency Self Destruct System
The keys had 10 different solutions. Most of the solutions were same or similar to a solution already used to solve a puzzle in the game. Each activation key from 0 to 99 is a string of ten characters and can be get with the following methods:

0-9: Convert the binary code to ASCII
10-19 Morse code
20-29 Use ROT-13
30-39 Vowel counting like in puzzle 8.1
40-49 Take XOR operation
50-59 Sort the characters based in alphabetical order.
60-69 Take the 1st character of the first row, 2nd character of the second row,...
70-79 Translate the numbers to the corresponding letter in the alphabet
80-89 Octal notation of the unix file permissions
90-99 Find the shortest path of the weighted graph represented as adjacency list

The last key is a devious exception to the rule. The key #100 is: "Richard" (also "Richard   " is accepted).

The cards (card1 and card2) contain a 7 characters long string. Each character is represented as a binary number based on the ASCII value of the character. The binary numbers can be read from the cards by putting one card on top of the other. Each hole means bit 1 and not-hole means bit 0. Basically it is the AND operation of the two cards.

There is no single correct answer to the challenge. The example face was done using a Hill climbing algorithms to find the locations of the ellipses. Basically the algorithm works like this:

while (as long as you like) {
  • pick one ellipse randomly and modify it
  • create a new image
  • check if the new image is better than the previous best one
  • if not, return to the previous stage


Bonuspuzzle (MD5 hash)
This was sent to the person who submitted a solution to the "Face modeling challenge".
Richard wrote to the person:
"I rummaged through all the things that the person left behind and I found this from his notes: 
MD5: b2193e96ec41acc4330ed490b7ba09b9 
I also remember that the text has 7 letters and starts with a letter 'N'. But that's all I know. Do you think you could help me with it?"

Can be solved with brute force by testing all possible strings that have 7 letters and start with N and checking if their MD5 hash matches with the given. Limiting the search to only capital letters reduces calculation the time.

Send the assistant to the room labelled "Free lunches & Unicorns". If he comes back with free lunches, that door should be labelled with "Free lunches". In that case, the door labeled with "Unicorns" contains both, and the door labeled with "Free lunches" contains just unicorns.

Message #16, final notes

I just received the following picture. As you can see, our efforts payed off and the LOLCat Apocalypse is not a threat anymore. Now I'm finally free and I can quit my job as a cleaner at the sweatshop called Avecira Solutions and find a better place to work.

It has been a pleasure having so many clever people helping with the puzzling messages.

Thank you!

The last key!

We are down to the last key launching the self destruct system! Good work people!

I got a message in twitter from a friend that the hint to the last key is: "This is the most important activation key. There are no hints available. You just have to know it"

Looks like Richard is already heading back, so we are running out of time. Anyone have any ideas what could be the most important thing that Richard is talking about?

Sharing methods of key activation

I see that we have made some nice progress activating the keys of the self destruct system! Excellent job everyone! Looks like we have a chance to launch the system as long as Richard keeps busy at the safari.

I got a suggestion from a blog reading friend that we should list decryption methods used to solve the keys so that other people could benefit from everyone's efforts. You can post your methods of activating the keys, for example, to the comments of this blog post.


Let's launch the Toilworn Diamond self destruct system!

The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! Now we have an actual chance to destroy the project Toilworn Diamond for good!

The latest message revealed the address of the Toilworn Diamond Emergency Self Destruct System. Richard has just left to a "well deserved" vacation, so now is our time to strike! The 28 characters long secret string has been also solved, as Jehane kindly points out in the comments, and it is: FISHCANDIVEBUTTHEYCANNOTJIVE

Anyone who want's to be part of stopping the Toilworn Diamond and rewriting the future for the better, now it's the time! Let's launch the Self Destruct System!


Second card found

A while ago I wrote about the message Pasi Liisola sent me. There was another card hidden in the library that is shown in Pasi's photos. Apparently Richard got hold of the card somehow, or at least he has a picture of it in his computer.

I got a nice little video camera on my last birthday and finally I put it to good use. Yesterday I hid it to Richard's office when he had already left work. I pointed it to his keyboard from above. Today I sneaked in and took back the camera. I couldn't believe my eyes when I actually could recognize his full password from the video! Anyway, went back there today on his lunch break and was able to download this picture. Now, any ideas what are those holes about?

Message #15, part 2

I knew there was something missing from the page I linked here yesterday! Richard was just hiding it in his "well hidden" USB memory stick. This is what I found:


Message #15

I happened to notice that Richard set recently this page as his browser homepage: http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/cafe.html. At first I thought that he just likes to watch the picture on the page (not a big surprise there), but then I noticed the url and realized that it's one of those messages again. Anyone find anything interesting there?


Message #14

I found yet another picture! Lucky I have quite good access to many places at the office... :) Never been too good with equations but this is way over my head. Anyone get it?


Message #13

Apparently I'm not the only one who is not so happy with how things are handled at Avecira. I persuaded one colleague to give me this picture he has been working on. Fortunately I was able to convince that it is for a good cause. Naturally, he is afraid of loosing his job, but luckily he was willing to take the risk.

Anyone have an idea what's going on here?


Message #12

It has been a quiet morning at the office so I was able to do some lurking. My heart was racing when I sneaked in to Richard's office and found this scribbled on a piece of paper:


I wanted to continue sniffing around, but I heard his key turning in the lock! Luckily I managed to hide in his mahogany closet until he left to get some coffee.


Message #11, update

I just saw one co-worker solving the puzzle with cats and faces. She was so focused on the problem that didn't notice me sneaking on her shoulder and taking this photo:


Message #11

Look what I just received! This time I didn't even have to steal it, because a co-worker sent it to me. People have been passing it around since they find it funny that the big shots of the company have ended up in the puzzle! Obviously, sharing this information with co-workers violates almost every part of the company loyalty policy, but apparently some people are willing to take the risk.

Richard has been partly impressed to see his own face in it, but also somehow scared of what it might reveal. I heard a rumor that he filled every empty space with his own picture and then said to one of my co-workers: "Use the uplook to check whether it leads somewhere, chop-chop!", but apparently it didn't.


Message #10

Just as I received a clever idea to the Mona Lisa picture from a friend, I saw people at the office working with a similar picture. Well, the face in the picture surely isn't similar, but the whole feeling about the picture is.

See for yourself. This is what I managed to get:


Update on the Mona Lisa picture

The pixelated picture of Mona Lisa has been puzzling since it was discovered several weeks ago (see the comments of this blog post). I received an email from a helpful and skillful friend who reads this blog. This is what she pondered about the picture:

"…and believe that the pixelated image at http://stoptoilworndiamond.co.nf/sanomali.html likely contains another image, probably a QR code. I think the pixels need to be rearranged based on the red component RGB value and for that you'll need someone with true programming knowledge."

I post her comment here hoping that there is someone with the sufficient programming knowledge who could benefit from the clever idea and try it out.

The pixelated picture of Mona Lisa


Another email from Pasi

I just received another email from Pasi! Like we guessed, we need more info in order to find out the meaning of the card that was already found. This email is even more puzzling and it doesn't have any direct coordinates where to look. Therefore, I post the pictures Pasi sent me hoping that someone would have an idea where it could be.

Can anyone get the hidden thing based on Pasi's email? We should get a hold of it as soon as possible so that it doesn't end up in wrong hands...

EDIT: The card has been found.

Here is Pasi's email:

Hi Beth!

Since my last email, I've been going through my notes and I think I found something! I remember hiding one part of the coded word in a library and I found these photos from my album (Luckily I was an enthusiastic photographer at the time). As you know, it's crucial to get that piece of information. Hopefully these images are helpful enough!

Interesting book. Especially the pages 212-213.
Saw this nice building just next to the library.
Yours Sincerely,
Pasi Liisola


Message #9

There has been a lot of buzz about "the yellowish cat picture" at the office over the past few days. I've been working hard to get a hold of it and finally today I succeeded! I must say I'm pretty proud of myself at the moment. I knew who was currently working on the cat picture and I also knew where he kept his backup disk. When he went to get some more coffee (lucky the coffee consumption is pretty high at the office), I sneaked in and changed the backup disk to my own. Then I just waited until he took the daily backups and changed the disks back.

And this is what I found...

The yellowish cat picture


Warning about the "Face modeling programming challenge"

It has come to my attention that Avecira Solutions has been trying to replace the Face modeling department they fired a while ago. They organize a programming challenge where you have to represent a face (not a big surprise whose) with ellipses. They have also been distributing this ad:

Avecira has been spreading this ad around.

I think that they are just trying to fill the void they created by discharging those good people. As the company policy seems to be not to pay anything unless completely necessary, they just want people to do things for them for free. Therefore, if you decide to take part in the challenge, do not send them any source code! They would definitely use that code in project Toilworn Diamond.

Actually, this can also be seen as an opportunity to play some mind games with them! You can take part in the challenge and do some outstanding and cool faces with ellipses. Make them believe you are helping them with the project, but never send any source code to them. They are powerless if they can't copy-paste your code.


Message #8, update

I happened to notice that there was a meeting at the office where some people were brainstorming the meaning of message 8. They seem to be confident that the loyalty issue is now resolved so they didn't even bother to clean the board! Well... lucky I'm still here ;) I managed to take a picture of the whiteboard after the meeting.

Letter from the past

Two days ago I wrote about an email I got from Pasi Liisola. Now I'm really thrilled, because the message Pasi was talking about has been discovered! Apparently it was in a bottle that was tied to a tree in the location (in Finland) where the coordinates pointed.

In the bottle there was a letter from Pasi, dated 7.6.1967 and a playing card with holes in it. It seems to be that some kind of a secret word is coded to the card, but based on the letter, we need more of those cards to find out the word.

Here are pictures of the letter and the playing card. See all the pictures here: photos by GuestUser17

Letter from Pasi Liisola that was found in a bottle in Finland.

A card with holes in it was also found with the letter.

This was a victory for us! We were able to locate the letter and document it, before anyone could destroy it. Thank you to everyone who took part in retrieving it! Let's keep on looking for the other ones...


Surprising email from Pasi Liisola

I'm excited to tell all my blog readers that I have received an email from Pasi Liisola who apparently has been working on this mystery long before us!

However, Pasi warns that we can't let anyone destroy the thing that he has hidden (whatever it is). Therefore, I can't publish the coordinates shown in Pasi's note, before we find out what's in there. Nevertheless, I am willing to share them with the people I can trust.

If you are trustworthy and want to know the coordinates in Pasi's note, send me an email (beth.swillower at gmail.com) or a direct message in Twitter (@BethSwillower)!

(Edit: The message has been found: Letter from the past)

Here is the email I received:

Hi Beth!

I was extremely happy when I found your blog and that some righteous people are finally solving this mystery! If I could jump, I would be jumping with joy right now! You see, you are doing something I tried to do years ago. I had already lost hope and accepted the fact that the world will end up with the horrible LOLCat Apocalypse. Finally there is still a glimpse of light!

Luckily I made a backup plan for situations like this. Unfortunately I can't offer much assistance, but I will go through my personal notes and try to find the places where I hid my messages. Don't let anyone destroy them, so once you find the messages, spread the word as wide as you can! The world needs to be warned about this.

I found one note that says like this:
"In the middle of the trees. Just in case, tied with a string. NXX XX.XXX EXX XX.XXX"

Yours Sincerely,
Pasi Liisola


Message #8

A certain "good worker" trip surely has its benefits for us (apparently) not-so-good workers as well. The peaceful office enabled me to get a hold of this piece of text. To be honest, I have no clue what to think of it. Hopefully someone else has some ideas!?

Newslessness arrayal inertial zygomaticum toilworn disenjoyment undisguisedness  renunciant conopodium  Nonagon monographic sowbacked  aglet reactionaryism  whyness counternoise drearisome sextans  jussory thereva loveman subinfeudation carminophilous hemiscotosis achievement clavation lamestery noninsertion Abac Quadrigeminous Submanager 


Message #7, part 3

Yes. My hunch was right! There was still more to that message. I'm almost 101% certain that this picture is also somehow linked to the previous two pictures and obviously looks pretty much the same as the first key. But what's the point of the key if the message was already solved without it?


Message #7, part 2

Here is another picture I managed to get and I think it somehow links to the previous image with the key. At least that is what I heard some people speculate over a cup of coffee. I'm not sure, but it might be still missing some info? Or, who knows?


Message #7, part 1

We are living strange times at work. The new "Divide and conquer" policy makes it even harder for me to get any new messages. Apparently the big guns of the company have discovered the importance of them. More specifically they have realized that these messages contain something that is not so beneficial for the business. Therefore, they are becoming increasingly suspicious with anything related to the messages and they are only giving little bits of information to one person at a time, hoping that no-one would grasp the big picture (other than themselves obviously).

Therefore, the picture below is the only thing I was able to find at this time. I know it should be used for something, but the rest of the something (whatever it is) was distributed to a different place, so I have no access to it at this time. But I'll keep working on it!


Message #6

Yet another message that I was able to snatch! This is at least as weird as the previous ones. No matter which way I turn it, I just can't recognize anything in it.


Message #5

I know some people have been working on this little piece of text for few days already, but they have been super suspicious and I just haven't had the opportunity the see any glance of it before this. Luckily I haven't heard any cries of joy from their offices, so I assume they are not really making any progress on this. I have also a strong faith that the people reading this blog are more skillful than they and this will be just a tasty piece of cake for us!

This is the text I was able to read from one of their screens while they were on a coffee break.

Gur zrffntr lbh ner ybbxvat sbe pna or sbhaq ol glcvat tbb qbg ty fynfu D5R60


Message #4

I was able the get a hold of yet another message. It was a bit tricky though. They almost saw me downloading this from certain person's laptop, but luckily I got them fooled. I guess, all those spy movies are finally paying off.

It's pretty clear that there's something written in the image, but what?


Message #3

I just managed to get a hold of a third mysterious message (the first two I posted here). I've been fiddling the letters and numbers around, but I have no idea what it could mean. All I know that it's related to the previous messages and to the serious "Stop Toilworn Diamond" warning.

Any ideas what this could mean?

0341212121212 3 111 012112 0211 0111 1 012112 021 012111 11 0211 3 01111 0212 01111 011 011 021 01111 12 0112111 021 0111111 0111 021 011212 01111 01111 3 0112 01111 1211 011331 12 021311 01221 011 0113 0111211 0211 11 1 0112 011 111 0111 011 111111 1 0112 1321 12 0211 11 021 01121112 01121112 11 3 0121 12 121 011 02111 121 0212 01121111 11 1 011111 13 1 0111111121 11 021 01132111 01121112 1321 0211 011 011113 012 121 011 1112111 22 0112 022 1113 021 0113 0122 31


Stop Toilworn Diamond!

Dear friend,
I'm glad you found me! Your help is urgently needed!

I can't reveal my identity, but I work for a company that is creating a powerful technology of the future. Awhile ago we found a secret message that warns the humankind about some kind of a huge catastrophe! Afterwards, I overheard the following conversation from the boardroom:

- We are not going to stop the Toilworn Diamond. We are going to be gazillionaires because of it! Why should I care if someone else will suffer?
- What if someone else finds the messages?
- They are not going to find them.  And even if someone did, they wouldn't be able to reveal the real content. After all, if they got the skills, they'd already work for us, right?
- True.
- We just have to be fast and find all those messages and no one will ever know.

Only a few people were trusted with the mysterious message and I'm not one of them. Luckily, I was able to take a photo of computer screen with the solved message shown!

It's crucial that we find out why was the message sent, who sent it, and what's the meaning of all this! We must join forces and solve this together! I will post updates in this blog if I get hold of any new messages.

Here's another message I got hold of, but I can't make any sense of it. Can you?

1010100 1010011 111010 110010 110000 110010 110000 101101 110001 110010 101101 110011 110001 101101 110010 110011 101101 110101 111001 101101 110110 110000 1010 1010111 1000001 1010010 1001110 1001001 1001110 1000111 100001 1010 1010100 1101000 1100101 100000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 100000 1101001 1110011 100000 1101000 1100101 1100001 1100100 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000 1110100 1101111 100000 1100001 100000 1001100 1001111 1001100 1000011 1100001 1110100 100000 1000001 1110000 1101111 1100011 1100001 1101100 1111001 1110000 1110011 1100101 100001 1010 1000010 1100101 100000 1100001 1101100 1100101 1110010 1110100 101100 100000 1111001 1101111 1110101 100000 1100011 1100001 1101110 100000 1110011 1110100 1101001 1101100 1101100 100000 1100011 1101000 1100001 1101110 1100111 1100101 100000 1101001 1110100 101110 101110 101110 1010 1100111 1101111 1101111 101110 1100111 1101100 101111 1101000 1100110 1000100 110000 1010100