
Sharing methods of key activation

I see that we have made some nice progress activating the keys of the self destruct system! Excellent job everyone! Looks like we have a chance to launch the system as long as Richard keeps busy at the safari.

I got a suggestion from a blog reading friend that we should list decryption methods used to solve the keys so that other people could benefit from everyone's efforts. You can post your methods of activating the keys, for example, to the comments of this blog post.


  1. Anonymous5/7/13 10:13

    I got one right, it was binary code that had to be converted to ASCII values. But then I wanted to try with another email address and I got "cyyukelfwg", I have no idea about how to decrypt that... Ideas, anyone?

  2. Hey Beth, some friends and I are working on this together and so far it seems like the keys go in a reasonably predictable pattern:

    0-9 are binary, convert to ASCII
    10-19 are morse code
    20-29 are ROT-13
    30-39 are using the vowel counting method that we used on an earlier message
    40-49 are an XOR code
    50-59 we don't know yet! Can't figure this one out. Keys are of the following form: "tccndbjiam", "zvzvucuqtd".
    60-69 are a sort of "incrementing index" - you take the first character of the first row, second character of the second row, and so on.
    70-79 are translating the numbers to the corresponding letter in the alphabet
    80-89 are CHMOD permission values
    90-99 are weighted graphs (find the shortest path)
    Not sure if #100 will fit in or be something completely different.

    Rainyan, what number is the one you can't solve? It looks like one of the 50s.

    1. Anonymous5/7/13 19:45

      Exactly. Mine is number 50. So the keys have a pattern like that... Interesting. I really someone can sort out the 50s.

    2. Looks like someone was able to sort out the 50s as there is only two keys left anymore! :)

  3. Excellent work Jehane and others! Anyone have any ideas about the 50s ?
